Home | Stormwater Authority
2025 Stormwater Budget
Inquiry Form Use this form to request an impervious surface investigation
Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater
Stormwater Credit and Adjustment Policy
How To Cleanup After A Sewage Backup
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
Owners Guide for Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities
Public Spill & Illicit Discharge Information Report
What To Do If Wastewater Backs Up Into Your Basement
Phone: (717) 564-2551
Address: Stormwater Management599 Eisenhower BlvdHarrisburg, PA 17111United StatesSee map: Google Maps
Key Contacts:Kevin Trafka
There are no storm sewers on our near my property. Why should I pay a fee?
Why not just include the stormwater program costs in our property taxes?
What is impervious area?
There is no separate fee/dedicated fund for police, fire, roads, etc. Why do we need it for stormwater?
Isn’t this fee really just another tax?
Stream Preservation Program and Fee