Management Program
Swatara Township has updated its 537 Plan and part of this plan includes a State requirement that the Township provide for the inspection and proper maintenance of on-lot systems. There are approximately 1,060 on-lot systems in Swatara Township. The on-lot management program includes a requirement that all on-lot owners must have their tanks pumped at least once every three years and that the system be inspected by a certified hauler at least once every three years. The program divides the Township on-lot systems into three groups. All on-lot systems in a given geographic section are required to have their system inspected and pumped during the first, second or third year of the program.
Homeowners may contract with a pumper of their choice who is certified by the PA Septage Association. During the process of pumping, the hauler will also perform an inspection using the state guidelines to confirm that the system has been pumped out, and operating properly and provide information to the Township that this requirement has been met. Haulers are also required to inform the Township if the system is functioning properly or not functioning properly. Malfunctioning systems will have to be repaired or replaced in accordance with state regulations. Residents who would like additional information can go to the Department of Environmental Protection website which contains a wealth of information concerning Act 537 septic management programs and tips on managing your septic system.