Fall Leaf Collection
Begins October 14th 2024
Leaf pickup will continue until the first significant snow fall when snow removal equipment needs to be placed on the trucks.
Bagged leaves in brown paper yard waste bags or raked leaves placed curbside will be collected according to the following schedule (same as street sweeping and roadside mowing):
Here are a few important reminders that will help make leaf collection go smoothly:
- Have your leaves ready for pickup the night before your scheduled day. Crews start collecting as early as 7:30 am and leaves raked out once the crew passes will not be collected until the following week.
- Please do not rake leaves into the street because they easily clog the storm sewer grates and cause flooding. If you have a storm drain adjacent to your property, please try to keep it cleaned off.
- If crews are unable to complete an area on any given day, they will resume the following week exactly where they left off. Past experience has been that Wednesday’s area is the most difficult to complete in one day, especially in late November.
- If you see the leaf crew in your neighborhood on an unscheduled day, it means that they have completed the scheduled day’s area and are either (1) getting a head start on the next area due to predicted rain or (2) returning to an area they were previously unable to complete.
- The leaf machines are vacuums designed to pick up leaves only. Sticks will clog the machines and cause delays.
- Please park cars, boats, trailers, and portable basketball hoops in your driveway (if you have one) on leaf collection days. Leaves are collected more efficiently if crews do not have to work around these items.
- Keep leaves separate from your garbage. Neither the Township nor Penn Waste will pick up bags containing a mixture of leaves and garbage.
- Leaf collection requires the concentrated efforts of all our highway workers, all day, everyday, for at least a month. Issues other than leaf collection will be addressed on a priority basis.
- Holidays, equipment malfunctions, and bad weather all try to interfere with our leaf collection efforts. Our goal is to have the majority of the leaves collected by the first snowfall. If snowfall is predicted, the leaf boxes must be removed and the trucks get tailgates and salt spreaders put on. Leaf collection may or may not resume depending on the weather, so it is important not to wait until December to rake your leaves.
- Residents may take their own leaves to the composting facility on Kelker Street.
- No composting facility permit is required if you are only taking leaves to the facility.