Zoning Hearing – Nichelle Smith

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of Swatara Township, Dauphin County, PA will meet to conduct its business at 7:00 pm on February 16, 2023. The Board will then hold public hearings for cases presented to it. The meeting will be held in person at the Swatara Township Administration Building located at 599 Eisenhower Boulevard, Harrisburg, PA 17111. This facility is accessible to persons with physical disabilities.
Case No. 2023-001:
Lamar Advertising Company – request for three variances to allow the erection of an 11 ft x 36 ft digital billboard in a non-permitted zoning district and that is less than the required distance from a side yard setback and a residential use. The subject property is located at 8001 Paxton Street in the Commercial General (C-G) zoning district. The Uniform Parcel Identifier is 63-042-119.

Case No. 2023-002:
Nichelle Smith – request for a variance to keep a detached accessory garage converted to a “Unit for Care of a Relative” as a permanent use as an accessory dwelling unit. The subject property is located at 6870 Huntingdon Street in the Single Family Residential (R-S) zoning district. The Uniform Parcel Identifier is 63-021-034.

Additional information about this case and the hearing may be obtained by contacting the Zoning Officer at 717-564-2551 or rihlein@swataratwp.com.
All interested parties and parties with standing are invited to attend and be heard in accordance with the rules and procedures established by the Board.
Any unfinished business remaining at the end of this public hearing will be continued to a future hearing date.
Robert E. Ihlein
Township Zoning Officer

The event is finished.


Feb 16 2023


7:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 16 2023
  • Time: 7:00 pm


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