Women’s Self Defense Class (Registration Required) – CLASS IS FULL
The Swatara Karate Academy will be hosting a FREE Self Defense class for women on Saturday October 1st from 10am-2pm at the Swatara Township Municipal building. This beginners class will focus on maneuvers that would surprise or stun an attacker and provide an opportunity for the victim to get to a place of safety. There is no cost for the event, however you must register no later than 9/26/22 to reserve your spot. No prior martial arts or self defense experience is necessary. Cpl. Pokrop from the Swatara Township Police Department will be discussing situations where self defense would be applicable. Information on the legality of self defense along with Protection From Abuse Orders will also be available. Participants will be allotted time to ask questions at the end. If you plan on attending this event we ask that you wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes/sneakers. This class is open to both Swatara Township/Paxtang Borough residents and non-residents. Participants must be 14 years of age or older to attend. Doors to the township building will open at 9:30am on 10/1/22. If you have any questions please contact Cpl. Pokrop at 717-564-2550 OR via email at bpokrop@swatarapolice.org.
Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: https://dauphin.crimewatchpa.com/swatarapd/3028/post/womens-self-defense-class-registration-now-open