Paxton St (Route 322) Updates

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today that the new jughandle on eastbound Route 322 at Witmer Road in Swatara Township, Dauphin County, is expected to open to traffic next week. The jughandle, which is located slightly more than half a mile west of the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road intersection, is being constructed as part of the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road Improvement Project.

The switch to the new traffic configuration is expected to occur at approximately 3:00 AM Thursday, July 25.

This jughandle will be the new access to Milroy Road/Grayson Road/Hilton Street for motorists heading eastbound on Route 322. A new traffic signal at Route 322 and Witmer Road will be activated to allow jughandle traffic to cross over Route 322 to Witmer Road. Motorists will then follow Witmer Road to Grayson Road for access to Milroy Road and Hilton Street. The new signalized intersection will also allow motorists to turn left onto eastbound Route 322 from Witmer Road.

The current left turn lane on eastbound Route 322 at the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road intersection will be closed permanently once the jughandle is open.

Additionally, the westbound Route 322 designated right turn lane at the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road intersection will be temporarily closed for ongoing construction activities. There will be one through/right turn lane, one designated through lane, and one designated left turn lane on westbound Route 322 at the intersection.   

This work is part of the reconstruction of the intersection of Route 322 with Grayson Road and Chambers Hill Road in the township.

The Route 322 signalized intersection with Grayson Road and Chambers Hill Road (Route 3006) is being reconstructed to four approaches with left-turn lanes removed from Route 322.

One through lane will be added in each direction of Route 322. Eastbound Route 322 left turns will be replaced with the new jug handle and signal at Witmer Road. Westbound Route 322 left turns will be replaced with a new roundabout and bypass lanes at the intersection with Milroy Road and Grayson Road.

Construction of three retaining walls will accommodate the widening and geometry, as well as the addition of dynamic message signs, stormwater management basins, drainage, guiderail, barrier, signs and upgraded pavement markings, and other miscellaneous construction.

This project is expected to be completed by August 18, 2027. J.D. Eckman, Inc., of Atglen, PA, is the prime contractor on this $38,561,349 project.

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