Winter Information

Snow Storm Tips:

  • Try and stay off of the roads as much as possible.  When in doubt, it can wait.
  • Park your vehicle off-street when possible
  • It takes around 2.5 hours for Public Works Department employees to treat Swatara Township roads with salt/anti skid.  So delay travel whenever possible.
  • Do not pass plow trucks.  Doing this could cause a serious accident.
  • Watch for drifting snow over roadways.  There may be high winds after the storm.
  • Leave plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you.
  • Slow down.  It will take twice as much roadway or more to stop during inclement weather.
  • Avoid hills.  Hills are treated with material first but can be very slippery.

“Avoiding the 2nd Shovel”

Video:  Snow Shoveling Secrets

Snow Emergency Routes:

In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and to combat the hazards of snow and ice on snow emergency routes, the Township may declare a snow and ice emergency.  After any snow emergency is declared, it shall be unlawful, at any time during the continuance of the emergency, for any person:

  1. To park a motor vehicle or to allow that vehicle to remain parked anywhere on any snow emergency route.
  2. To drive any motor vehicle on any such snow emergency route, unless that vehicle is equipped with snow tires or chains.

The following are snow emergency routes:

Bonnymeade AvenueDerry Street and Dawn-Mar Street
Cardinal DriveChambers Hill Road and Cardinal Court
Center StreetMain Street and 3rd Street
Center StreetThird Street and Highland Street
Chambers Hill RoadPenhar Drive and Paxton Street
Cockley RoadChambers Hill Road and Lower Swatara line
Derry StreetMilroy Road and Pleasant View Road
East Park DriveDerry Street and Spring Creek Road
Eddington Street (north only)Derry Street and Spring Creek Road
Eighty-Second StreetLee’s Drive and Paxton Street
Forty-Eighth StreetDerry Street and Lower Paxton line
Harrisburg Street, South (east only)Quarry Road and Highland Street
Harvest Drive50th Street and Arney Road
High StreetHickory Street and Harrisburg Street
Keckler RoadHighland Street and Chambers Hill Road
Kempton AvenueLancaster Street and Fordham Avenue
Lenker RoadMontour Street and Simpson Street
Mall Road NorthHarrisburg Street and Paxton Street
Monroe Street (north only)Center Street and Elm Street
Mushroom Hill RoadGrayson Road and Chambers Hill Road
Orchard DrivePine Street and Reynder Street
Pajabon DriveStacey Drive and Keckler Road
Pleasant View RoadTownship line and Bridge Street
Reservoir RoadHarrisburg Street and Kelker Street
Reynder StreetOrchard Drive and Swatara Street
Sixtieth StreetChambers Hill Road and Acorn Drive
Sixty-Fifth StreetDerry Street and Evelyn Street
Sixty-Ninth Street (east side only)Derry Street to end
Sixty-Seventh StreetDerry Street and Lower Paxton line
Sixty-Third StreetDerry Street and Ann Street
Wilhelm RoadDerry Street and Simpson Road
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