Winter Information
Snow Storm Tips:
- Try and stay off of the roads as much as possible. When in doubt, it can wait.
- Park your vehicle off-street when possible
- It takes around 2.5 hours for Public Works Department employees to treat Swatara Township roads with salt/anti skid. So delay travel whenever possible.
- Do not pass plow trucks. Doing this could cause a serious accident.
- Watch for drifting snow over roadways. There may be high winds after the storm.
- Leave plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you.
- Slow down. It will take twice as much roadway or more to stop during inclement weather.
- Avoid hills. Hills are treated with material first but can be very slippery.
“Avoiding the 2nd Shovel”

Video: Snow Shoveling Secrets
Snow Emergency Routes:
In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and to combat the hazards of snow and ice on snow emergency routes, the Township may declare a snow and ice emergency. After any snow emergency is declared, it shall be unlawful, at any time during the continuance of the emergency, for any person:
- To park a motor vehicle or to allow that vehicle to remain parked anywhere on any snow emergency route.
- To drive any motor vehicle on any such snow emergency route, unless that vehicle is equipped with snow tires or chains.
The following are snow emergency routes:
Street | Between |
Bonnymeade Avenue | Derry Street and Dawn-Mar Street |
Cardinal Drive | Chambers Hill Road and Cardinal Court |
Center Street | Main Street and 3rd Street |
Center Street | Third Street and Highland Street |
Chambers Hill Road | Penhar Drive and Paxton Street |
Cockley Road | Chambers Hill Road and Lower Swatara line |
Derry Street | Milroy Road and Pleasant View Road |
East Park Drive | Derry Street and Spring Creek Road |
Eddington Street (north only) | Derry Street and Spring Creek Road |
Eighty-Second Street | Lee’s Drive and Paxton Street |
Forty-Eighth Street | Derry Street and Lower Paxton line |
Harrisburg Street, South (east only) | Quarry Road and Highland Street |
Harvest Drive | 50th Street and Arney Road |
High Street | Hickory Street and Harrisburg Street |
Keckler Road | Highland Street and Chambers Hill Road |
Kempton Avenue | Lancaster Street and Fordham Avenue |
Lenker Road | Montour Street and Simpson Street |
Mall Road North | Harrisburg Street and Paxton Street |
Monroe Street (north only) | Center Street and Elm Street |
Mushroom Hill Road | Grayson Road and Chambers Hill Road |
Orchard Drive | Pine Street and Reynder Street |
Pajabon Drive | Stacey Drive and Keckler Road |
Pleasant View Road | Township line and Bridge Street |
Reservoir Road | Harrisburg Street and Kelker Street |
Reynder Street | Orchard Drive and Swatara Street |
Sixtieth Street | Chambers Hill Road and Acorn Drive |
Sixty-Fifth Street | Derry Street and Evelyn Street |
Sixty-Ninth Street (east side only) | Derry Street to end |
Sixty-Seventh Street | Derry Street and Lower Paxton line |
Sixty-Third Street | Derry Street and Ann Street |
Wilhelm Road | Derry Street and Simpson Road |