Brush Collection
Spring Collection: Week of April 22-26, 2024
Fall Collection: Week of September 23-27, 2024
The Public Works Department will remove your brush and yard waste two times per year during it’s scheduled Spring and Fall Yard Waste Collection Days.
The Public Works Department will pick up yard debris placed curbside utilizing the same schedule as leaf collection, street sweeping, roadside mowing, etc.:
If the entire route is not completed each day, Township Crews will start the next available day exactly where they left off and continue until a complete round of the Township has been made.
Items that WILL be picked up include: Leaves, sticks, hedge clippings, garden debris, tree branches (less than 8” in diameter, cut less than 6’ long). Leaves and other small materials must be placed in brown paper yard waste bags (available at home and garden centers). Items in plastic bags will no longer be collected. Plastic bags may not be used due to DEP regulations for our compost facility.
Items that WILL NOT be picked up include: Grass clippings, logs, tree trunks, stumps, lumber, garbage of any kind.
The Township schedules curbside yard waste collection twice per year — once in the Spring and again in late Summer. Please do not call for individual yard waste pick-ups before or after the scheduled collection dates, as the Public Works Department needs to concentrate on performing road maintenance tasks. Please remember that the yard waste composting facility at 780 Kelker Street is open April through October, Monday—Friday from 8:00am to 3:00 pm, and Saturday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, for Swatara Township residents who wish to drop off their yard waste. Permits must be obtained from the Municipal Building prior to drop off at the facility.